25 Travel Secrets And Tips No One Will Share It With You

Joining the list of frequent travellers around the world is not as hard as it seems. All you need to know is these 25 tips.

These are the secrets employed by frequent travellers to make they journey as easy as possible:

1. Clear Your Cookies

Some booking websites try to manipulate you into paying more for normal hotel/flight or car rental services when you use their services more than once. They do this by storing cookies on your computer. This helps them ‘remember’ you and the services you come looking for. Clear your cookies.

If you don’t know how to do this, log onto their site using an incognito browsing window as this doesn’t help the booking website store cookies.

2. Local Guides

One of the notable travel hacks is to employ a local guide. Maps and GPS can’t give you some information first-hand. There is a limit to the amount of information that you can obtain from a guide book.

Local guides, on the other hand, know every nook and cranny. They can show you places and information not listed in any guide book.

3. Outsource the Legwork

Of all the travel tips for saving cost and time, this could be the most effective. If you don’t have the time to make extensive research about transport and accommodation, outsource it to firms that are experts in this field.

They can easily find you the best and cheapest flight options, sort out accommodation for you and save you time and energy.

4. Search for Flyer Mile Deals

The best way to do this is to join the travel hacking cartel. Look for a service that sends timely alerts reminding you of flyer miles deal. This can help you save the cost of traveling around the world.

5. Getting Inspiration From Trover

On Trover, there are tons of discoveries that would be unavailable otherwise. Frequent travelers share tips there and you can find hundreds of awesome images showing different places.

Many people have discovered places they would never have found if not for Trover

6. Obtaining Information With Skyscanner

You can decide to pick a random place for your next trip with Skyscanner. Typing in ‘anywhere’ as your destination results in Skyscanner providing a random location for you. It can also help you decide your destination with regards to the cheapest flight.

7. Bid on Hotels

Don’t forget to bid low on hotels if you’re in the mood to splurge. Use the ‘name your own price’ function to bid on a couple of them and wait to see which one you’ve won.

8. Track Airfare

Don’t forget to track airfare price. Buy your ticket at the right time to save cost.

9. Strike While the Iron is Hot

A good deal should be taken up right away. It might not get the cheapest. Don’t play yourself and wait till it is more expensive.

10. Saving Cost On Tours

You will spend money on tourism and accommodation. However, you can free up some cash by getting free local guides.

11. House Sitting

If you are a frequent traveller, it is easy to save costs by house sitting. It exposes you to a unique experience and the local culture.

12. Choose Synthetic

Synthetic clothing materials are easier to pack and don’t get dirty easily. They also dry faster.

13. Go Carry-On

Having too much luggage will only increase your vacation misery. Liberate yourself by traveling with carry-on luggage

14. Packing Cubes

With packing cubes, you can optimally utilize the limited space in your bag. They help with the compression of clothing and organization of the bag.

15. Roll It Up

A travel hack for packing is rolling everything up. By the time you roll up all your clothes, you will have more space left to use.

16. Stuff Shoes

Stick your socks into your shoes to maintain the shape of the shoe. You don’t want your shoes looking weird after unpacking.

17. Reusable Packing List

Create a list of things you need to pack and print it for every trip. It saves you the stress of fretting over missing something.

18. Head Lamp

Illumination is very important. Don’t forget to obtain a headlamp before you embark on that journey.

19. Coordinate Everything

As your options for clothing are limited during the travelling experience, watch your colour combinations. Choose complementary colours.

20. Be Prepared for Security Checks

Be prepared to clear security as soon as possible. Have your ID card and boarding pass at hand. It saves you a lot of trouble

21. Call the Hotel to Reserve

If you are a frequent traveller, you know that it is easier to negotiate a deal with hotels on the phone than by walking in.

22. Be Smartphone Savvy

Your phone brings the world to you. Don’t hesitate to utilize it properly. There are many tools that will be useful to you throughout your journey.

23. USB Stick Trick

This helps offer a measure of security as you can store your important information on the USB stick. This is a precaution against any theft or disaster.

24. Take Probiotics

Protect your digestive system by taking probiotics before enjoying the local food.

25. Go Slow

Slow travelling is enjoyable as you get to take in the sights better and appreciate what you might have otherwise missed if you are trying to race across the world.